Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Challenges and Opportunities for Entrepreneurs and Business Owners Essay

Rick Suttle Rick Suttle has been writing professionally since 2009, publishing health and business articles on various websites. He has worked in corporate marketing research and as a copywriter. Suttle has a Bachelor of Science in marketing from Miami University and a Master of Business Administration from California Coast University. Business owners often face challenges with financing their companies. Business owners face many challenges when running companies. Competition can be stiff in any industry. Thus, you must find time to keep track of what key competitors are doing. Consumer preferences can also change over time, so you must fully understand what products and features your customers want. You also will face other key challenges with regard to capital, employees and planning. 1. Financing the Business * Owners are faced with the challenge of financing their businesses — both when starting out and during growth phases. Sole proprietors sometimes use savings or investment accounts to start businesses. However, financing your own business can be risky. Make sure you have money for your living expenses when financing your business, as it may take months to earn a profit. It is often difficult to get a bank loan. All banks will check your credit before giving you a loan, so get copies of your credit report and make sure it is accurate; errors can negatively impact your credit score. You also can apply for a loan through the SBA (Small Business Administration). However, the SBA often charges higher interest rates, the Microsoft Business website notes. 2. Building Profits * It can take time to build profits in a business, whether you are using direct sales or advertising to grow your business. You will need reinvest a large portion of your profits into additional advertising. Companies that use advertising build profits by gradually increasing advertising expenditures each month. For example, you may need to spend $500 to make $1,500, a 300 percent return on your advertising investment. Assuming you can average similar returns, you may decide to invest the entire $1,000 profit to make $3,000. Keep in contact with your customers. Try to get repeat sales as often as you can, which also will help you increase profits. 3. Finding Qualified Employees * Small business owners will have the challenge of finding qualified employees. Larger companies usually offer higher salaries and better health benefits than smaller ones, so you may need to find employees who recognize the inherent benefits of working for smaller companies. For example, employees can move up more quickly in a smaller organization. Another option is offering some type of profit sharing. With a solid product concept and business plan, some job applicants will recognize the monetary benefits of profit sharing. 4. Time Management * A smaller but still important challenge for business owners is time management. Small business owners often need to multitask as they have fewer employees to perform routine tasks. The key to mastering time management is prioritizing your tasks each day. Complete the tasks that are most crucial to building profits. For example, go to the meeting with a customer and work on your sales budget afterward. Challenges of Business Owners | Common Challenges Entrepreneurs Face and How to Overcome Them * 5 Most Common Challenges Entrepreneurs Face and How to Overcome Them * My Personal Challenges as an Entrepreneur and How I Overcame Them†¦ * Armed for Battle: An Army of Entrepreneurs Book Review * How Far Are You Willing to Go for Your Dreams? * Brenda Rivas: How She Used Her Unhappiness in Her Corporate America Job to Propel Her to Start Her Own Business 1. Negative Mindset The battle always starts in the mind! Our own fears, excuses, and just basically any thing that paralyzes us from moving forward to our destiny is cultivated in our mind. Feelings of inadequacy such as â€Å"I don’t know if I can do this† or â€Å"I am not qualified enough to start this happen† – these are often thoughts that entrepreneurs deal with. This can often come from our own low self-esteem, lack of support, or our upbringing. How to Overcome: a. Do not entertain the thoughts. Remember that whatever you focus on gets magnified. If you pay no attention to it, it will not linger. But for as long as you are nursing it, it will grow in your head and eventually overtake you! b. Surround yourself with positive people. Birds of same feathers flock together is a popular saying but it is true. If you hang with negative people who criticize other people and put them down and do pity party, then before long, you will find yourself like one. See why it’s important to surround yourself with positive people. c. Empower yourself by reading inspirational articles, success stories, great books, movies and anything that will encourage you and motivate you. Attend seminars and workshops if you can! 2. Overwhelming Feelings There is always a huge learning curve when you first start a business. Although you may have lots of experience in the corporate world in your field, it’s totally different when you’re the captain of your own ship. Now, you have to be the boss, the marketer, the secretary, the customer service person, the shipper, and the list goes on! But these overwhelming feelings surely do not only come to starting entrepreneurs. Some experienced and successful entrepreneurs tend to feel overwhelmed at times too so don’t be discouraged. How to Overcome: a. Take short breaks in between your tasks. I find that taking 2 or 3 minute break away from my computer helps. b. Pace yourself. Create a to-do list and make sure that you only put whatever you can handle within a realistic time frame on any given day. c. Outsource some of your tasks. If you’re growing too quick, hire a virtual assistant or a local person who doesn’t mind coming over to your home office to help you out with some tasks. d. Make sure to set aside two days off. A business is a business, however, this time it is yours and you have the flexibility to create your own hours and set your days off without any problem. It is ideal to have a couple of days off or more if you can afford it to avoid possible quick burn out. e. If you’re suffering from information overload, 3. Lack of Support Some entrepreneurs have been blessed to have supportive husbands, family, children, and friends. Some of this support group have the ability to help make the entrepreneur’s business grow but some could only offer moral support†¦which, hey, it’s more than you could ask for! While some of us are blessed like that, others lack both moral and business support. How to Overcome: a. Network with your local business organizations and find people that have the same vision and goal as you do. b. Find a virtual group of people in Social Media that support and promote each other. (Shameless Plugging: Yes, this is what The Entrepreneur Chic Social Club is all about! Details coming soon! *Wink wink*) c. Invest in a mentor or a business coach. 4. Growing a Business The challenge in growing a business mostly lies in the lack of financial resources. Let’s face it, money begets money. If you have the money, it’s easier to put your product out there in hundreds of thousands of people just like the bigger brands, the Fortune 500 companies. You see them on TV, radio, billboards, social media, and sometimes maybe in your inbox! Unfortunately, for most small business and starting entrepreneurs, this is not the case. You have to work hard to make money so you can use that to make more money! How ironic, isn’t it? But that’s where the challenge is! I really do believe that this area of having your own business teaches you a lot about persistence and creates such an experience for you that molds you as a business person. How to Overcome: a. Be patient. Growing a business takes time. The level of effort that you put in is directly equivalent to the level of result you’re going to get but do not expect an overnight result. It’s like planting a seed, it takes time to become a tree. b. Learn as much as you could about marketing (including social marketing) for as long as your brain can handle without overloading it! c. Research on ways you can acquire funding. Be creative! (perhaps you can do your own fundraising technique) See if you might be qualified for a small business loan. 5. Feelings of Wanting to Give Up Because a business takes time to grow and it usually takes a lot of effort to make it work, feelings of wanting to give up do come sometimes, especially when you’re not seeing the results that you want when you want it. Perhaps your funds are already starting to get depleted or you’re getting physically and mentally drained. How to Overcome: a. Do not entertain the thought. b. If you’re not seeing any results, evaluate your product, service, target market, and your marketing strategies. Perhaps your product isn’t the right one for the group of people that you’re presenting it to. Maybe it needs to have a lot of improvement in its presentation/packaging or price. c. Take some time off. Sometimes stepping away gives you a better perspective of where things are at and ideas flow better when your mind is rested. 5 Types of Business Opportunities for Entrepreneurs Are you a restless entrepreneur? Are you the type of person who wants to go into business to be your own boss and succeed through your own decision making? Many people feel the call to become an entrepreneur, but are not sure what type of business to start. There are many entrepreneur opportunities you could choose. Here is a brief look at different types of business opportunities available: Buy a Franchise Many entrepreneurs like to have a business going full speed right off the bat. Rather than spending time reinventing the proverbial wheel, an entrepreneur will buy a franchise opportunity. A franchise is an existing business with a solid business plan and process already in place. An entrepreneur can operate a new business under a recognized business name and receive support from the franchise headquarters with marketing, promotional materials, new business products or services, etc. Good examples of popular franchises are McDonalds and Subway restaurants, home cleaning businesses, Dollar Store, or fitness centers. Distributorship or Dealership Another place to find business opportunity leads is with distributorships and dealerships. A distributor is a person or business that has an agreement to sell products or services produced by another company. Think of an Amway distributor or Avon distributor as a good example. A dealer is much like a distributor, but more focused on one product. An auto dealership may sell only Hondas, or an insurance agent might be considered a ‘dealer’ in life insurance. Network Marketing While an Avon lady might be considered a ‘distributor,’ there is much more to this type of business opportunity. In addition to distributing the products or services offered by the parent company, a network marketer also strives to recruit other distributors. By creating a â€Å"network† of distributors, a person can earn considerable income through residual commissions made from the distributors working under them. This entrepreneur opportunity is also known as Multilevel Marketing. Licensing You might also find entrepreneur opportunities through licensing. Licensing is where you can be creative and invent products, but use the name brand, icon, or trademark of a widely recognized business. Think of Disney products. An inventor may come up with a great idea for a child’s toy that would become a big seller if the famous Mickey Mouse was associated with the product. By obtaining a license from Disney, the inventor could produce his product and profits would be shared by both parties. Filling a Niche While pre-made or other types of business opportunities can be lucrative through a parent or franchise company already enjoying great success, entrepreneur opportunities also exist for a person to simply find a consumer need and discover a way to solve it. Perhaps you are a new mother who finds a need for a baby product not on the market, and therefore, you create and distribute one of your own. Or you are a specialist who finds that other businesses will pay for your consultation and expertise in improving a business function. Any entrepreneur who wants to make a business of his or her own has many types of business opportunities to explore. Find the one right for you and enjoy the success you can build on your own. At the beginning of each year, there is always a little buzz about what will be the next new big ticket. The world is supposed to end in 2012, so I hope you’ll buy 50 pair of underwear, six months’ worth of food rations and about 500 gallons of water. I hope you will make those purchases, not because I think the world is going to end, but because I’m starting an underwear-manufacturing company, a food-rations-supply firm and a water-supply business. Each of these businesses will be hot in the new year as hysteria kicks into overdrive in 2012. Don’t believe me? Flash back to Y2K. Businesses spent around $500 billion to save themselves from impending doom. But nothing happened. Not even a little Y2K postmortem belch. Nothing happened, except that vendors in 1999 pulled in a cool half trillion! So if you’re looking for the next hot opportunity for entrepreneurs in 2012, keep these five areas in mind. 1. Elderly consumers Because people are living longer these days, a flood of products and services will be designed to cater to the older crowd. Businesses will introduce not-so-obvious services. New retirement villages will spring up and new services that cater to the elderly, such as chair lifts for getting into airplane seats. 2. Domestic purchasing With Europe on shaky financial ground, expect businesses to do more domestic purchasing. There is volatility ahead, so if you are based in the U.S. and have competitors overseas, you may have an advantage in 2012. It’s safer to purchase domestically, where buyers perceive more stability, even if it is more costly. 3. Mobile purchasing If you are familiar with Square, you know that this is just the beginning. In 2012, we will see a big surge in payments made with smartphones. Entrepreneurs who have not optimized their websites and their businesses for smartphone transactions are giving money away. In fact, the research firm Emarketer says that smartphone transactions are expected to exceed $6.5 billion by 2015. That’s a lot of coin. 4. Genetic DNA sequencing It’s not the sequencing itself that entrepreneurs need to jump on, but keeping it under $1,000. Technological advancements continue at mind-blowing speed. As Moore’s Law predicts, every 18 months technology doubles in performance and cuts the cost in half. In 2012, we should see genetic decoding available for $1,000 or less. That price point would make it available to the average person. Most people would have the means to determine their genetic propensity to problems, and to take immediate action to live longer and healthier. This will create a boom in DNA-sequencing services and related health care services. Jump on it now, before it becomes another Walmart offering, like flu shots are now. 5. World ending Not. My biggest, boldest prediction is that the world will not end in December 2012 (even though the Mayan calendar shows that it will). But that doesn’t mean there won’t be big opportunities to profit from the hype that will build. It could represent millions, or even billions, in revenue. People spent nearly $1 billion preparing for Y2K to hit, and nothing happened. We are creatures of habit and will likely do the same for 2012. So, if you believe the Mayan calendar may not be accurate about the world ending in 2012, consider ways to profit from these areas. They should be lucrative and provide plenty of opportunity. Besides, the Mayan calendar also predicted that the Kim Kardashian marriage would last more than 12 months, and it was wrong about that, too!

Noticing Hypothesis

The noticing hypothesis is a concept in second-language acquisition proposed by Richard Schmidt in 1990. He stated that learners cannot learn the grammatical features of a language unless they notice them. Noticing alone does not mean that learners automatically acquire language; rather, the hypothesis states that noticing is the essential starting point for acquisition.There is debate over whether learners must consciously notice something, or whether the noticing can be subconscious to some degree (Schmidt, 1990, 2001) Noticing is a complex process: it involves the ntake both of meaning and of form, and it takes time for learners to progress from initial recognition to the point where they can internalize the underlying rule. This argues for teachers to provide recurring opportunities for learners to notice, since one noticing task is most unlikely to be sufficient. More specifically, we may want to work with different kinds of noticing task in future in order to serve different ps ycholinguistic factors.Schmidt (1990), identifies three aspects of consciousness involved in language learning: awareness, intention and knowledge. The first sense, consciousness as awareness, embraces noticing . According to Schmidt (1995, p. 20), â€Å"the noticing hypothesis states that what learners notice in input is what becomes intake for learning. † Schmidt also states that a) whether a learner deliberately attends to a linguistic form in the input or it is noticed purely unintentionally, if it is noticed it becomes intake; and b) that noticing is a necessary condition for L2 acquisition.In his noticing hypothesis, Schmidt (1990, 1993, 1995; Schmidt & Frota, 1986) shed light n focal attention, or noticing, as a necessary and sufficient condition for input to become intake in SLA, by claiming â€Å"intake is that part of the input that the learner notices† (1990, p. 139). According to Schmidt (1993), second language (L2) learners need to not only comprehend the input but also notice â€Å"whatever features of the input are relevant for the target system† (p. 209).Although these definitions of noticing differ in the degrees or levels of awareness that are deemed necessary for SLA, the researchers all agree on the importance of noticing in SLA. In both the strong version of the Noticing Hypothesis (noticing is necessary and sufficient for second language acquisition) and the weak version of the Noticing Hypothesis (noticing is a necessary but not sufficient condition for second language acquisition), noticing is considered to play a significant role in SLA.In Gass and Selinker's (2001) view, noticing or selective attention is â€Å"at the heart of the interaction hypothesis,† (p. 298) and is one of the crucial mechanisms in the negotiation process. Conclusion Attention and noticing (the subjective correlate of attention are crucial concepts for ttention – becoming conscious of some material – seems to be the sover eign remedy for learning anything. It is the universal solvent of the mind† (Baars 1997, P. 04). For SLA, the allocation of attention is the pivotal point at which learner external factors (including the complexity and distributional characteristics of input, the discoursal and interactional context, instructional treatment, and task characteristics) and learner internal factors (including motivation, aptitude, learning styles and strategies, current L2 knowledge and processing ability) come together.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Cultural Experience Essay

1. The museum I visited was the Smithsonian mem  orial holocaust museum in DC. 2. The museum had very informational facts of the challenges faced for victims of the holocaust. There are many educational pieces all throughout the museum. 3. Upon entering the holocaust museum, you will notice the dim lights and eerie sounds coming from the speaker. Also, the walkway is actually a timeline beginning with WWI. There are many artifacts of victims on display. 4. Walking through the museum, I felt a lot of remorse and emotions for the victims of the Holocaust. The most influential moment of the tour is a pile of shoes worn by the victims. The shoe pile is stacked very high and ranges in many sizes. I was emotional of the encounter because it showed me a real example of men, women, and children innocently killed for a radical idea. 5. During week two of our class, we had read about the differences of religion and the culture it brings. We also discussed about the challenges people would face based on their religion. I think this tie in with my topic for this report. The challenge Jews had faced during the holocaust had left an imprint in history. They were out casted in most of central Europe during the Nazi rule. I also believe that the Holocaust ties in with the discussion of humanities because it is a life lesson that had a major impact in history. It has taught us the significance of what a radical idea can do and how it affects people. 6. Here is a link to the â€Å"ID cards† used in the museum but can also be found online. Collection of shoes found in the Smithsonian Holocaust Museum. 7. This experience had really affected my feelings toward genocide victims. I felt lots of remorse and sadness for the people who had to endure the pains of the holocaust. With this experience, I view the human culture of the past to be different of todays. I believe as time progresses, and the learning of past mistakes, we try to and become more positive of ethics. 8. Although this experience does not directly affect me, I understand more of what is going on around the world. My experience here as opened my eyes to genocide and the horrid effects of what it can do to a population. During WWI and WWII, there were many deaths because of a radical ideological man, Adolf Hitler. He was the supreme leader of the Nazi forces and had envisioned to rule the world. Aside from the deaths of combat, there was a mass genocide of innocent Jews which accounted for more than five million deaths. Many of the victims ranged from the youngest to the eldest with executions of the most horrid way imaginable. Many Holocaust memorials were built around the world to remind people of the cruel event to which the Jews had to endure. My experience in the Smithsonian Holocaust Museum was very interesting. I have only heard of the Holocaust in grade school and textbooks. However coming here, I was hit with a big impact of emotions from the display of antiques from the victim. In the museum there are authentic photograph and artifacts used and worn by Jews during the genocide. With tons of information and videos, I felt like I understood more and more the anguish the victims had to endure. I also learned of the torture devices used by soldiers to kill the victims. Cold blooded methods such as gas chambers, fire pits, and death squads are only a few of the many tactics used during the mass genocide. Walking through the museum, I found the most influential section to be a room filled with old shoes piled high. I was particularly focused on it because the shoes were worn and used by actual victims in concentration camps. The shoes were collected after the executions and were reissued to other prisoners who would cycle through. It was a hard sight to see because some of the shoes had dried blood which signified the torture they had gone through. I was literally speechless with  the sight. Genocides are still happening today all over the world. Although the ban of genocide is an international law created by the Geneva Convention, mass killings have since continued after the holocaust. The most notable places are in rural Africa. Many victims are living in constant fear because of their belief in their religion.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Trust Me, I Can Do It Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Trust Me, I Can Do It - Essay Example Their parents took a gamble on their future that paid off immensely for their children and the future generations of their family. It was because of that risk that the families took that the future of my own family is so comfortable and promising at the moment. My parent's experience as independent foreign students in the United States helped them build their character and enhanced their decision-making skills. Needless to say, I grew up being regaled by their stories of adventure and mishaps during their time as college students in the United States and wishing to be able to experience the life-changing lessons that my parents did when they were there. Every life lesson that they wanted to teach me about they somehow managed to relate to something that transpired in their lives overseas. I was fascinated by their stories and often told them that I too wished to go to the United States when it came time for me to attend university so that I could experience life first hand the way th at they did. They were actually in total agreement with my desire to study overseas and live independently in the United States. ... Especially since they had spent all their lives shielding me from harm and the dangers of the world. I was their little girl and they wanted to protect me forever if they could. So we began to argue about where I would actually go to university. I still wanted to go overseas and they wanted me to go to a university closer to home for safety purposes. This became a serious point of discussion within our household that often times led to misunderstandings between my parents and I. I knew that I was growing up fast and I needed to flex my independent muscles if I were to become a woman of independent will, strength, and substance in China. I needed my parents to realize that sending me to a China-based university would get me the college diploma that I needed to earn the respect of my peers. But successfully completing my degree overseas would not only get me a diploma but also gain me the respect and admiration of my peers and our business partners.  Ã‚  

Sunday, July 28, 2019

A Critique on What Determines Humanity and Right to Life Essay

A Critique on What Determines Humanity and Right to Life - Essay Example To start with, the author does not acknowledge the role of genetic humanity in determining moral humanity. Trying to eliminate the genetic component in determining moral humanity appear illogical and ridiculous to me. The genetic component and the moral aspect of a human are inseparable, a person only retain the traits distinguishing them as morally human only if the genetic composition is normal or not distorted. Altering the genetic component of a human being such as the nucleic acids can utterly deny personhood traits such as rationality, reasoning, consciousness, independence, and communicative ability hence humanity in the moral sense. Trying to detach the two facets makes the definition of moral humanity invalid. What is a human without the genes or even nucleotides? According to the author, an infant is accorded full human just because it can be adopted, this argument is void since the possibility of adoption does not make the infants morally human than an eight month old fetu s. The infant should not be considered more human just because it does not fully limit the rights of the mother. This paper is a critique of the article on the moral and legal status of abortion and seeks to establish the invalidity of the traits that determine if any entity is human or not. To support the conclusion that foetus are not morally human, not entitled to any human rights and thus can be aborted, the author gives several reasons. To start with, the author claims that the foetus does not satisfy the traits of humanity in the sense of morals. Another reason is that the unborn can be a source of risk on the mother’s health or even source of unhappiness. In addition, she argues that the right of a human outweighs that of the foetus that is not human and therefore the mother should determine the choice on whether the foetus is entitled to life. The author uses different types of premises to support her argument but mainly relies on the descriptive assumption. In descri ptive assumptions, she depicts and describes several examples to support her point of view. An example is the assumption of how a person visiting a new planet where there are alien beings would use the traits of humanity to discern if the organisms are human or not (Warren 434-440). In evaluative assumptions, the author assesses assumptions made by people on different grounds and evaluates them, some of which she rejects in the conclusion. Evaluation helps to distinguish if assumptions made are realistic or if they make any sense. Those that do not make sense are abandoned when concluding. A good example of evaluative assumption in the article is the one on the tendency of people criticising infanticide while it is not morally a misdemeanour. The author also appeals to general principles for example when she tries to explain why infants could be considered more human as compared to infants. In the example, the author posits that infants do not limit the right to the happiness of the mother since it can be given for adoption. The appeals to general principles are used to support the assumption described. The argument is invalid, since some premises that do not support the conclusion, others are missing, others controversial and in some instances the author appeals to public emotions. Inconsistency between different premises is evident throughout the article. A good example is the author denunciation of foetus as not human on basis of absence of traits defining a human, acknowledging infants also lack these traits and later alluring to people’s emotions in the conclusion by agreeing infants could be more human just because their restriction to mothers liberty is lesser. Another

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Managing People Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Managing People - Essay Example Therefore culture is defined as ‘the way we do things around here’. Analysis Corporate culture is usually described as ‘the way we do things around here’. It is considered as a set of rules that each and everyone in the organisation learns to follow and thereby influences the behaviour of the employees. Corporate culture often determines the behaviour of the people within business and also the level of motivation within its employees. The culture of the organisation can influence how traditional or forward thinking is the way the company operates (Dooley, 2005, p.139). It is the feel of the organisation which is quickly picked up the new members. Culture is ‘the way we do things around here’. It is a powerful tool and is likely to become more visible when organisations implements new strategies. Thus its human nature to resist change in the way they do things and similarly its nature of the human to change the culture in which they work and live (Carroll, 2009, p.95). The key drivers of ‘the way we do things around here’ are multiple. The behaviour of the management is one of the major drivers of culture as the people observe the behaviour of the management rather than on what they say. ... 31-33). Organisational culture or corporate culture is set of values, beliefs and assumptions which is shared by member of an organisation and also teaches the new member of the organisation to think feel and act in the right way. The cultural perspective of every organisation believes that every organisation develop a unique mixture of standards, values, practise and presumptions of how things should be conducted which later becomes habit (Ashman & Hull, 2011, p.134). Organisational culture comprises of two important components, shared values and assumptions. Values are defined as a conscious perception of what is good and bad or what is right or wrong, values implies what is ought to do. It refers to as a moral compass which directly motivates the decision. Values that exist within organisation are referred to as shared values. These are the values that employees have in common and within the organisation. Assumptions are beliefs or perception that have worked for the organisation in the past and are considered to be correct way to think and act towards any problems and opportunities. These assumptions are taken for granted and are difficult to change (Mcshane, 2008, p. 492). Organisational culture is the outcome of set of dynamics and also acts as an influence of those dynamics. The jargon, ‘the way we do things around here’ is a powerful insight in a company’s culture (Stanford, 2011, pp. 1). Understanding the concept of culture is important for a manager in order to adapt more easily to their new surroundings. Thus managers should learn how to adapt to an environment so that the manager can work effectively. But despite of the manager’s strong desire to understand and adopt

Friday, July 26, 2019

A Midsummer Night's Dream, Death of a Salesman Essay

A Midsummer Night's Dream, Death of a Salesman - Essay Example Abandonment is related to things we can not see because we have left them or they have somehow, left on their own. By calling these things more important than others which have not gone away, the author tends to favor the abandonment right at the outset, and the audience’s perceptions are modified accordingly. Fix has done this in the start of the novel in order to make sure that the audience follows her exactly in the same footsteps so that both the author and the audience reach the same conclusion by the end of the novel. In Willy’s life, there is a constant and uninterrupted shift from one abandonment to another. Every time this happens, the successive abandonment causes even more despair to rise in Willy’s heart than the preceding abandonment. The author has coherently constructed this argument by making the audience aware of the news of death of Willy’s father at an age when Ben and Willy are both too young and are not earning anything. When Ben and W illy’s father dies, the children are left with no tangible or intangible asset whatsoever. After some time, Ben resolves to leave for Alaska and go away from Willy who is lost in the American Dream vision. As a result of numerous unfortunate events congested in the early phase of his life, Willy catches a phobia of abandonment.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Impact of different variables on the economic growth of Sweden Dissertation

Impact of different variables on the economic growth of Sweden - Dissertation Example This paper has conducted a comprehensive research on finding out the effects of tax policies, employment and wages on the level of economic growth of Sweden. Using empirical data, it has been found that economic growth of Sweden does not depend on tax policy, employment status and wages. I. INTRODUCTION Sweden is a very economically significant country in the world. Although it is a very small country, it experiences significant economic growth. A very interesting thing to note about Swedish economy is the dispute over the character of the economic system of Sweden. Its economic system can not be characterized as a complete socialism or pure capitalism. In Sweden private sector dominates in all production areas. In fact, around ninety percent of total production in this country is produced in private sector. Looking at the dominance of private sector, it seems that there prevails full corporatism in Sweden. But the interesting thing is that majority of production in private sector, a round fifty percent, is exposed to state controls. Looking at this nature of Swedish economy, it is some times characterized as a system of welfare state socialism. Some, however, like to view this system as welfare state corporatism. ... Government undertakes various policies relating to tax, employment and wages. Tax accounts for a major place in fiscal policies. While in one hand, tax is an important source of revenue to the government, on the other hand it also reduces consumer purchasing power by reducing disposable income. Hence, changes in tax policy will definitely have effect on consumer purchasing behavior, and therefore, on aggregate demand of the economy and consequently on GDP of the country. Employment and economic growth has a strong association as well. In fact, there is a cyclical relationship between employment and economic growth where both are dependent on one another. While the level of employment of a country is dependent to a large extent on the level of economic growth, economic growth is also affected by various employment policies. Economic growth of a country is also related to wage level. While some think that a path of low wage can lead to economic growth, some others feel that a high wage economy is more efficient in achieving higher growth. Hence the level of growth of an economy is also dependent on wage policies taken by the government. In Sweden government has a significant role to play in controlling various economic operations. Hence, economic growth of Sweden can well be expected to be dependent on various economic policies undertaken by the government of the country. Hence, it can be assumed that governmental policies in the areas of taxes, employment and wages, produce some impact on economic growth. Aim and objectives It would be, therefore, quite interesting, to find out how tax policies, employment and wages affect economic growth of Sweden. Since the economy of Sweden can not be characterized as a nation which is fully controlled

Case study 2 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Case study 2 - Assignment Example During the midmorning snack, Jim will be offered one cup of plain yogurt, Mona will take one half cup of cooked pastas while Kora will be offered  ¼ cup of cottage cheese. During the mid afternoon snack Jim will take 1  ½ ounces of cheddar cheese, Mona will take 1  ½ cup of cooked rice, while Kora will have 1 egg (Marotz, 2011). Mona who is allergic to wheat is likely to have a shortage of carbohydrates and fiber; he will lack nutrients such as calcium, iron, riboflavin, and thiamin. Jim who does do take milk will lack enough proteins and nutrients such as calcium, while Kara will have a deficiency of vitamins especially vitamin B. Peanuts is also a good source of proteins. In order to meet their nutritional needs they are supposed to be given food such as puddings, cheese, yogurt for Jim, pastas, rice for Mola, and legumes, meat, beans or eggs for Kola. As a teacher, one should also ensure that we have the approval of the child’s physician before giving any treatment to any child with allergy symptoms. We should ensure that children do not use their allergies as a way of getting attention or seeking special privileges (Marotz,

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Article Abstract Assignments Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Article Abstract Assignments - Assignment Example er media, corporations that interact with the leagues and teams, and communities that construct facilities and support local clubs as the main customers of the professional leagues (Mason 406-407). The author further observed that customers manifest their interest on the professional leagues for distinct reasons. However, the author establishes the fact that the marketing of this product harbors many problems. Indeed, it is clear that marketing problems arise when each customer seeks suitable marketing opportunities in conflict with other parties. Problems relating the marketing of the league arise for example in problematic relationship existing between sport, television, and sponsorship emanating from corporate involvement. In addition, financial disparities between clubs in the same league is a problem that affects the marketing of the league where rich teams gain a competitive advantage thus leading to uncertain results and thus hardships in maintaining the customer base (Mason 4 13-414). Subject to these marketing problems, the author recommends further research and analysis on this topic. The paper made significant contributions in that it was able to denote the business entity of the sport, highlight and discuss the main parties to a professional league, and consequently establish the possible major problems in marketing the professional leagues. The input on the distinct reasons that give various parties interest in the league was significant in addressing the research question. However, the paper falls short in providing tangible solutions to the marketing problems in a professional league. As such, the paper only recommends further analysis and research, which is not a substantial contribution to the research question. The paper seemingly forgot about the satisfaction that the league accords various parties and the need to derive value from any league. More so, the paper forgot to include the rules governing professional leagues. Mason, David. What is

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Track acrylamide source from polyacrylamide gel that used in Hydraulic Research Proposal

Track acrylamide source from polyacrylamide gel that used in Hydraulic fracturing by stable isotopes method - Research Proposal Example g the deposition as well as the transportation of this acrylamide release from the unknown source, and the aim is to determine if the source is either from hydraulic fracturing field or other industries. Acrylamide is known to be an industrial chemical that is majorly used in poly-acrylamide production. In this case, the poly-acrylamide is primarily applied as flocculants for treating industrial and municipal effluents as well as clarifying drinking water (Haberman 2002; O’Neil et al. 2006; Abdelmagid 1982; EPA 2006).The release of acrylamide to the environment could be during its application and production. The main source of acrylamide contamination in drinking water is from the residual monomers that are released from the coagulants of poly-acrylamide (Abdelmagid 1982; Cavalli et al. 2004; EPA 2006c; WHO 2003).It can as well be released from genetic lab, hydraulic fracturing field, dye and plastic industries. It is very rare to identify acrylamide in atmospheric samples due to its high water solubility and low pressure (WHO 2003).It is expected to see acrylamide being highly mobile in water and soil(WHO 2002) and it is known to be more prone to biodegradation both in surfa ce water and soils(WHO 2008).Acrylamide is known to be found in at least 3 of 1,699 hazardous waste sites suggested to be included on the EPA National Priorities List(NPL(HazDat 2007).The evaluated number of sites for acrylamide however is unknown. Both bacterial and fungal species that are found in the soil have the capacity of degrading poly-acrylamide. The degradation could be rapid in the laboratory and it is observed to be slower in the in the field. Ultraviolet radiations that come from sunlight can degrade poly-acrylamide in the environment .Tilling as well as other shearing forces could also degrade poly-acrylamide in the environment. When this poly-acrylamide is degraded, it can have adverse effects to living organisms including human. Acrylamide is considered to be a carcinogen

Monday, July 22, 2019

Evas death Essay Example for Free

Evas death Essay Also at the beginning of the play, Mr and Mrs. Birling come across as a well-off couple who are very well educated and in the public eye a lot when Mr Birling says to Gerald, I could be in line for a knighthood, providing nothing goes wrong. This means that if a scandal is linked with his family, then the public will turn against him, and therefore he wont be able to get a knighthood. Because of this, the audience wouldnt expect them to behave in the way they did, and when we find out what they did, and the affect they had on Eva Smith/ Daisy Renton, its quite shocking to see that they were both somehow involved in her death. And when we find out the reasons behind what they did, it changes the impression we get of them, and you see that they are quite selfish and take advantage of the power they have and who they inflict it upon. They are both quite wrapped up in their own lives, and anything that would lose them money or cause them grief, they take no notice of and dismiss the idea. Sheila and Eric are Mr and Mrs. Birlings children. At the beginning of the play Sheila comes across as a bit childish and immature and maybe still relies on her mum and dad a lot when she say, yes, go on, mummy. You must drink our health. We get an impression of Sheila as being naive and shallow, but her comment, last summer, when you never came near me, which refers to Gerald, may suggest to us that she isnt as stupid as she may seem. Eric seems a bit more mischievous and much more naive than Sheila, in the way he talks and how he acts. He seems embarrassed and nervous, as soon as he is mentioned in the play, as it says, Eric suddenly guffaws, and then doesnt tell the other characters why he came out with it, which suggests he is nervous about something, which we later find out that it is the money he recently stole from his father, Mr. Birling. hI think Mr and Mrs. Birling are more ashamed of Eric and careful that he doesnt do anything stupid to embarrass the family, but the family seem to get on with each other quite well, although you get the impression that there is some tension between Eric and Mr. Birling, when Gerald, Mr. Birling and Eric are talking about womens love of clothes before the Inspector arrives. Sheila also has a link with Eva, who was employed at Milwards, because Sheila thought Eva, was laughing at her when she tried on a dress that didnt suit her. Eva was prettier than Sheila and the dress suited her more, which made Sheila irritated and envious of Eva, so she was guilty of a deadly sin, which was envy. Erics link with Eva was that he met her in the palace bar one thing lead to another and he got her pregnant, which made him guilty of lust towards Eva. Although Eric doesnt seem very responsible he shows some initiative, as he was concerned enough to give Eva some money, which shows his priority was Evas future and not necessarily the consequences of stealing from Mr. Birlings office. I dont think the audience are too shocked to find out what Eric and Sheila are capable of, because they are young and quite naive, and they dont seem to have much empathy towards other people, maybe because they havent experienced the things Eva has before. Their actions can be linked to their parents as they have a lot of power, so this may be filtered down to them, which they might exploit and take advantage of. By the end of the play Eric and Sheila have changed more than the other characters. Sheila feels extremely guilty for what she has done to Eva and frequently cries and sobs when the Inspector mentions Eva in the infirmary. Eric also feels guilty for what he did to Eva, he says, the girls dead and we all helped to kill her- and thats what matters. I think they have both changed because they are young and impressionable, whereas Mr and Mrs. Birling refuse to take responsibility for Evas death to save their reputation, and they have never been forced to examine their consciences before and they find that they cant do it now, and are relieved when they find out the Inspector wasnt real and want to forget about it and move on. At the start of the play we find out that Gerald is from a family who are socially better than the Birlings. We know this because after Mr.Birling tells Gerald he has the same port as his father gets, Gerald says, The governor prides himself on being a good judge of port. Gerald is also described as an attractive chap about thirty, rather too manly to be a dandy but very much the easy well-bred man-about-town. We also know that he is the son of Lord and Lady Croft, and we are given the impression that they are not to keen on the engagement of Gerald and Sheila as they didnt accept the invitation to the dinner. This makes us wander why Gerald would want to marry a woman of a lower status than him. Gerald was involved with Eva when he met her at the palace bar and let her stay in his friends empty flat in Bromley, as she had nowhere to stay, and he felt sorry for her. Eva, or Daisy Renton as Gerald knew her as, was his mistress for a time until she had to move out because Gerald was away on business. His involvement with Eva was different to the rest of the characters, because he actually tried to help her and did something good. In a way his actions are the most shocking because he is better-off than even the Birlings, so you wouldnt expect him to help out someone like Eva who hangs around in places like the palace bar, and you would have thought he would look down on people like her, and have no sympathy for them. I dont think his actions fit in with the Gerald at the beginning of the play because he tells Sheila the reason why he didnt see her much last summer was because he was busy at work, when he was with Eva at the flat, so we find out he was lying to Sheila, which you wouldnt have thought hed do as he says he wants to be part of the family and they seem to have a lot of respect for each other. Although Gerald seems moved by the news of Evas death, he isnt entirely willing to admit his involvement with her, and this could be because of the same reason as Mr. Birling, that he wants to protect his own interests. At the end of the play he tries to come up with as much evidence as possible to prove that the Inspector isnt real, which could potentially get him off the hook, if he could convince the rest of the characters that they had been hoaxed.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Construction Of A House Or Buildings Construction Essay

The Construction Of A House Or Buildings Construction Essay In this modern world an builders faces lots of challenges in the construction of a house or buildings to compete the world in the form that how to make a modern house or building which is environment friendly, energy saving and low cost etc, such sort of problems putting pressure on builders now a days. Because of the rising cost of the material which is used in traditional construction methods which are unlikely to meet the demands for future developments. Thats why more and more builders or designer are now understand the benefits of the development of modern material which are gradually used in the buildings now a days. Housing associations are now encouraging the housing corporation to use the modern ways of construction known as modern methods of construction when building new developments. This policy is a direct result of the Governments response to a number of drivers that have resulted in what it perceives to be a crisis in housing supply. In areas of growth, house construction in the private sector has tended to focus on the production of traditional houses either semi-separate family homes or larger separate executive homes. These private sector dwellings are beyond the reach of most first time buyers, particularly key-workers in comparatively low-paid jobs in the public sector. The Government is looking to housing associations to give dwellings for those who cant afford to buy the house. The Housing Corporation is the key agency regulating The Housing Corporation is the key agency regulating delivery of housing in the social housing sector. They assist with delivery of policy via grants awarded through the Approved Development Programme (ADP). A proportion of the ADP has been ring-fenced (The Challenge Fund) for the delivery of new homes quickly and cost effectively, in areas of high demand as well as stimulating a step change in supply by encouraging innovative forms of construction. In the face of the support from political and regulatory authorities to make greater use of modern methods, lots of stakeholders are still unsure about modern methods of construction for some of reasons. In the case of housing associations there is doubt about whether or not modern methods are able to deliver energy efficient homes at good reasonable prices. This pamphlet aims to demonstrate that homes that cross the requirements of building regulations in sense of their material efficiency can be built cost-effectively. SIPS Structural insulated composite panels are one of the most satisfying technologies in the construction industry. Started in the years of 1940s when the new sandwich design concept was generated, where there were two wooden materials and a different element between them generating maximum strength to the structure. Design As mentioned earlier, the SIP has an insulated structure between two wooden boards. This most commonly used materials are expanded polystyrene (EPS), extruded polystyrene (XPS) or rigid polyurethane foam. Figure : STRUCTURAL INSULATED COMPOSITE PANELS Figure : STRUCTURAL INSULATED PANELSOther materials can also be used for example, steel, aluminium, stainless steel, fibre-reinforced plastic, and magnesium oxide. Advantages the structure is more Tougher and stronger due to the sandwich pattern of the material More insulated than any of the materials Less operating cost and can be used almost everywhere for eg. Roof, floor, walls etc. Drawbacks The manufacturing and the production can take some time Expensive manufacturing cost Have to prevent the composite from moister and keep it ventilated The material creeps over time Figure : VOLUMETRIC CONSTRUCTIONVOLUMETRIC CONSTRUCTION The volumetric construction is also, known as the modular construction. This kind of construction is mostly used at places where the employer cannot afford waste time and material for e.g. a busy road, a hospital etc. Design The construction components are manufactured and processed and are stacked onto prepared foundations to form dwelling. The materials used to make the components include light gauge steel frame, timber frame, concrete and composites. Advantages Saves time and also the labour cost. Can reduce the waste significantly generated during construction and also comparatively the least amongst other construction methods It is the most efficient when using identical units as it is the same common production line used. Improved quality compared to the other construction methods Disadvantages Setting up a manufacturing and production line could be a major concern issue when considering cost Transporting could be expensive depending upon the size of components Also, installations and other factors would affect the construction workers if the components are heavy or complex structure and have to be perfectly installed STEEL FRAME CONSTRUCTION The steel frame construction is usually used for constructing bigger structures like building, sky scrapers etc due to its durability and toughness. The SFC is one of the most efficient construction methods which use steel beams, T shaped and I shaped beams as to resist the stresses. Design Figure : STEEL FRAME CONSTRUCTIONOakridge, a development of 299 dwellings for Sentinel Housing Group, utilised light gauge steel frame panellised construction for the first two phases. The homes, constructed from steel frames manufactured by Ayrshire Steel Framing, share standardised layouts visual variety was achieved externally by incorporating a variety of physical features (such as bays, dormers and balconies) along with a variety of finishes (different coloured renders, brick and timber cladding). Dormers and balconies were also prefabricated in glass reinforced plastic (GRP). 2. Advantages of Steel Frame Construction: They can build very high and large They are light weight and strong They are easy to fix or assemble They are accurate and predictable 3. Disadvantages of Steel Frame Construction: Steel is an expensive material Frames are unstable These types of frames needs fire protection They needs separate skin TIMBER FRAME CONSTRUCTION Figure : TIMBER FRAME CONSTRUCTIONTimber frame is a modern method of construction that offers an important high-quality solution to the many housing and construction challenges facing the UK.As one of the leading modern methods of construction, timber frame has grown consistently year on year. Its regarded as a means of achieving good quality, reducing time spent on-site, increasing safety and overcoming skills shortages in the industry, and will play a very important role in the formation of homes in sustainable communities by 2016. Design Wood is the only renewable commercial building material and as a way of construction is effectively carbon neutral. When you use timber frame youre actively helping to reduce the belongings of global warming. Further improved by its low embodied energy and excellent insulation properties, it means happy customers with lower heating bills and a good future for the planet. Advantages of Timber Frame Construction In timber frame construction needs small amount of labour. It can be seen that the benefit in terms of time saving on site manifests itself as a saving in construction risk. Timber frame construction is environment friendly but the environmental benefits of timber frame construction are reduced when timber is imported from sources outside non local and requiring substantial fuel consumption in transportation. Disadvantages of Timber Frame Construction Apparently problems with timber frame construction in the housing industry from each end users and local establishment would include a perceived huge risk of fire, problem of sound lessening in a timber structure and the impact such a structure might have on the security of the end user. Basingstoke timber frame construction site fire Figure : CONSTRUCTION FIRE Timber frames are designed and manufactured to tight tolerance and require correct setting and other adjacent construction such as chimneys, rising walls and block construction. As a result, these works need to be set out with a good degree of accuracy. Panels should be stacked on a flat surface so that warping or buckling does not happen. Proper on-site practices and skill of deliveries can address this matter. Where housing is proposed in areas at threat of flooding, the planned construction methods undertaken need to be reviewed in order to measure the possible risks or implications should flooding occur. BRICK and MORTAR CONSTRUCTION Figure : BRICK AND MORTAR CONSTRUCTIONBrick is a timeless, classic building material. The Chinese, and Egyptians understood the value of this simplest of rectangular solids over three thousand years ago. Brick structures still stand that were already ancient at the time of Christ. Invented in antiquity, brick remains the one exterior building material with a human scale, rich variegated colours, and flexibility of use. Modern man has crafted building materials from concrete, plastic, glass and steel, but none approach this unique elementary product. Design The brick making process is unchanged from primitive times in its necessary elements. A modern brick plant carries out the same functions that a Babylonian craftsman once performed. That craftsman mortar and sand, mixed the two with water to form a flexible clay mass or clot, formed the clot in a wooden mould, dried the green, unfired brick in the sun, baked it to nearly 2000 degrees, and cooled the now permanent brick, which then went to the mason to be laid in mortar to become part of a temple, Great Wall, or simple home. Figure : BRICK AND MORTAR CONSTRUCTIONAdvantages of Brick and Mortar construction The bricks walls protects the houses from noises thats comes from outside. Bricks are beautiful when we go to the residential area we can compare the beauty of brick structure to the other structural work like steel, wood etc. Brick structures are easy to maintain and there is nearly no cost to maintain the exterior of an all brick home. Bricks will not burn and in those disastrous situations where a fire does occur it will certainly not fuel the situation. Disadvantages of Brick and MORTOAR CONSTRUCTION The one main disadvantage of bricks and mortar is the high cost of both material and labour. Bricks and mortar construction is much sturdier than wooden homes because of the thickness, hardness and weight of the materials used to build the home bricks and mortar construction is very old traditional construction. ANALYSES AND EVALUATION For the particular construction, the author supposes that the steel frame construction would be the best possible way to build the structure. As the main concern is time efficiency it would be quicker and easier to install the steel frame structure and to complete the work on time. Talking in terms of cost efficiency and reliability, in the steel frame structure has to be compromised in one of the two factors. The demand of this kind of structure is to be tough and reliable and therefore have to spend some money on the manufacturing of the steel frames and also keeping the quality into consideration. The manufacturing cost and the transportation cost would be the only concern issues for the company where as the labour cost would be comparatively less. As the steel frames could be easily assembled and fixed. Architecting on the building would be easier and also it would give a freedom to the architect to design his particular construction as the steel frame could be manufactures in almost any possible way. Method Cost Time efficiency Structural reliability Environmental friendly sustainability SIP Expensive manufacturing cost and nominal labour cost Moderate Good Moderate Best Volumetric construction Expensive manufacturing and labour cost Good Moderate Moderate Less Timber frame construction Nominal cost Less Moderate Less Good Brick and Mortar construction Least amongst all the methods Least Good Less Less Steel Frame Construction Expensive manufacturing cost but cheap labour cost Best Best Best Good SCHEDULING AND PROCEDURES Designing The plan starts by taking the structure into consideration. Keeping the limitations, constrains and the difficulties in mind. The Architecting Part takes place after the cost estimation and the legislations have been considered. The designing process is a time taking process as it helps in knowing all most everything which is to be used in the construction and the quantity of materials which have to be ordered or manufactured. Foundation The execution starts by evacuating the area and excavating to make a foundation for the building. The foundations build is made up of cement, which is a common process for all the construction. During the initial construction, the skeleton of the structure is build by the steel frame construction method. The steel frame construction helps in giving the toughness to the structure and also, the freedom to building almost any kind of structural shape. The concern issues for steel frame structure are as follows: Time delay in manufacturing and transportation Waste parts could affect the expected budget Construction The method suitable with the steel frame structure is the SIPS. The Structural insulated panels can be used in making roofs, floor and also the walls. The reliability and the strength of the combination of the structures would improve the life and the toughness of the building. Concern issues for this kind of construction method are: Weather: it could be a serious issue and could delay the work plan, therefore the construction plan has to be well organised and executed. Labour cost : these kind of construction methods have nominal labour cost but since it is a combination of two types of construction methods, the labour demand could be higher Lastly, legislation: the legislations are the most important factor of concern for the employer and as well as the management. Finishing The finishing consists of the final construction steps like greasing, oiling, painting etc. REFERENCE Figure 1: modern method of construction ; Date: 3rd may 2011 time: 4:00pm Figure 2 : Modern building; Shift Housing by AquiliAlberg Date: 3rd may 2011 time: 4:20 Figure 3 : DATE: 9th may 2011 11:41 Figure 4 : SIPS Date: 9th may 2011 12:00 Figure 5: VOLUMETRIC CONSTRUCTION Date: 10th may 2011 1:12pm Figure 6: STEEL FRAME CONSTRUCTION Date: 10th may 2011 1:30pm Figure 7 : TIMBER FRAME CONSTRUCTION Date: 10th may 2011 1:35pm Figure 8: CONSTRUCTION FIRE Date: 11th may 2011 2:00pm Figure 9 : BRICK AND MORTAR CONSTRUCTION Date: 11th may 2011 2:10pm Figure : BRICK AND MORTAR CONSTRUCTION Date: 11th may 2011 4:00

Teaching English In Kindergarten Education Essay

Teaching English In Kindergarten Education Essay If piety is to take root in any man ´s heart, it must be engrafted while he is still young ; if we wish any to be virtuous we must train him in early youth ; if we wish him to make great progress in the persuit of wisdom , we must direct his faculties towards it in infancy, when desire burns , when taught is swift and when memory is tenacious. The process of education is one of the most important and complex of all human endeavors. A popular notion is that education is carried out by one person, a teacher, standing in front of the class and transmitting information to a group of learners who are willing to absorb it. This view simplifies what is a highly complex process involving an intricate interplay between the learning process itself, the teacher`s intentions and actions, the individual personalities of the learners, their background, etc. This research paper aims to provide a coherent psychological framework that will help language teachers to make connections between the process of learning and the making of decision in the classroom of kindergarten. In order to do so, it is necessary to adopt a particular approach to psychology which will be helpful at the moment of teaching English to children. The infantile education across the years has been extending this field of action to children. For the 4 and 5-year-old children, kindergarten has turned into an ideal area where to share the game and the learning with other children. The progresses reached in the skills and skills motorboats focus their behavior. English learning in kindergarten has become a phenomenon to education. The most standing points are the capacities to learn a new language rapidly. Children utilize different types of mental resources to incorporate words and meanings. They do interpretations of the listened and observed around them and this relation is notable with the new language. As a consequence, children increase their attention and their autonomy increase as well. Another essential aspect at this level is listening skill considered as essential to encourage the retention of information and actions which they consider to be children`s own childhood. Teaching English to children who have not yet reached a first grade age presents challenges which may not be so noticeable at first. It is the young children who exhibit voracity and aptitude for assimilating English which definitely diminishes with age. In light of this, there are several facets to bear in mind which will make teaching this special age bracket all the more rewarding. Very young children may often not grasp that teacher does not understand what they are saying, and may be very puzzled that neither can they make this strange adult comprehend their chatter, nor make head or tail of what is being directed at them. , but their willingness to please and expressive body language easily makes up for any frustrations. Incorporating several key themes into every lesson plan will maximize learning and enjoyment potential for all. Meeting the language development needs of such culturally and linguistically diverse students is challenging for teachers. A supportive, student-centered environment will assist the language development of all students. Such an environment, which values and accepts students languages, cultures and experiences as the foundation for instruction, will support and nurture each students language acquisition and development. Teachers who are aware of students sociolinguistic backgrounds can assess individual linguistic competence and assist students in developing English abilities in familiar and non-threatening contexts. Students are more likely to experiment with language and take risks during independent and collaborative language activities if they perceive their languages, cultures and experiences as significant, and if they recognize that their peers and teachers share this perception. It is important to say that teachers have not been trained to teach English in kindergarten. However, Kindergarten and elementary school teachers play a vital role in the development of children. What children learn and experience during their early years can shape their views of themselves and the world and can affect their later success or failure in school, work, and their personal lives. Kindergarten and elementary school teachers introduce children to mathematics, language, science, and social studies. They use games, music, artwork, films, books, computers, and other tools to teach basic skills. Teachers play an important role in fostering the intellectual and social development of children during their formative years. The education that students acquire is key to determining the future of those students. Whether in elementary or high schools or in private or public schools, teachers provide the tools and the environment for their students to develop into responsible adults. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM The importance of teaching English in kindergarten as well as the importance of teachers ´ role The focal point of this research is to appreciate the significance of teaching English in Kindergarten due to the fact that teachers have not been trained to deal in this level nor the use of methodologies in the process of learning. Also, it aims to take consideration the teachers ´ work. OBJECTIVES The goal of this study is: To understand how children acquire a second language To appreciate English teachers  ´role To describe the methodologies to teach in kindergarten. To appreciate the importance of teaching English to children for future levels. SIGNIFICANCE OF THIS STUDY This research is about how a new language is learned in kindergarten. I believe that this information about findings and theoretical views in second language acquisition can make a better judge and proponents of various language teaching methods. Such information can help to evaluate moment to moment of reflections about our children in kindergarten and teachers teaching a second language in this level. Also this work focuses in knowing the characteristics of the 4 and 5-year-old children of age during the process of learning. How incredibly is seeing children to manage to be orientated and to be located without having problems with what it concerns the language. HYPOTHESIS Teaching English in kindergarten is possible to fail because of: Lack of teaching training in kindergarten Lack of methods and resources to teach in kindergarten Chapter II BACKGROUND Teaching English in kindergarten must be as motivating as possible. Teachers should work with children taking into account their autonomy, curiosity, their capacity, and their willingness to do, say, listen, everything at the same time. The classes must take place in an environment full of motivation for children to acquire confidence in themselves. It is through play that much of childrens early learning is achieved. The physical, socio-emotional and intellectual development of children is dependent upon activity. Therefore, opportunity for play is a key aspect of the Kindergarten program. The program builds on, rather than detracts from, this natural approach to learning. Through touching, manipulating, exploring and testing, children find out about the world around them. Through interacting with other children and adults, they find out about themselves and their relationship to others. Through play, children imitate adults and experiment with what it means to be a caregiver, a fisher, a firefighter, a doctor and so on. Through play, they learn how to solve problems and work cooperatively with others. The features of the room of roleplaying are: a receptive and supportive environment for learning materials and equipment designed to provide for multi-level and multi-content experiences instruction based on the individual needs of each child an integration of ways of learning with understandings to be developed a total learning environment which provides for alternate ways of learning: play, games, sensory education, concrete manipulation and physical participation emphasis on language development. For the purpose of this study it is necessary to mention important authors as guides Age of acquisition We now turn to a learner characteristic of a different type: age. This is a characteristic which is easier to define and measure than personality, aptitude or motivation. Nevertheless, the relationship between a learner ´s age and his or her potential for success in second language acquisition is the subject of much lively debate. Chomsky makes a distinction between acquisition and learning explaining that It has been widely observe that children from immigrate families eventually speak the language of their new community with native-like fluency. Their parents rarely achieve such high levels of mastery of the new language. Adult second language learners may become very capable of communicating successfully in the language, but there will always be differences of accent, word choice or grammatical features which set them apart from native speakers who began learning the language while they were very young. One explanation is that as in first language acquisition there is a critical period for second language acquisition, the CRITICAL PERIOD HYPOTHESIS suggests that there is a time in human development when the brain is predisposed for success in language learning. Language learning which occur after the end of the critical period may not be based on the innate structures believed to contribute to first language acquisition in early childhood. Rather, older learners depend on more general learning abilities. According to Chomsky, learning take place in a formal environment where the learner depends on the teachers and learns form him/her. Another important author is Piaget who claimed that individuals are actively involved right from birth in constructing personal meaning, their own personal understanding, from their experiences. In other words, everyone makes their own sense of the world and the experiences around them. Piaget himself was mainly interested in the way in which people came to know things as they developed from infancy to adulthood. Thus, his theory is one which is action based, more concerned with the process of learning. Piaget ´s theory is based in learners passing through a series of stages: Sensori-motor stage : for the young infant, the most important way of exploring the environment is considered by Piaget to be through the basic senses. Intuitive or pre-operational stage: between the ages of 2 and 7. This is when the child ´s thoughts become more flexible and when memory and imagination begin to play a part. Concrete operational stage: between the age of 7 and the formal operational stage. Piaget ´s staged do have a message for the language teacher. When teaching young learners, we should not expect them to have reached the stage of abstract reasoning nd therefore should not expect them to apply this to sorting out the rules of the language. It is more important to provide experiences in the target language which are related o aspects of the child ´s own world. An original thinker in his own right, Bruner extended aspects of Piagetian theory to suggesting that three different modes of thinking needed to be taken into account by educators. These he termed the enactive, the iconic and symbolic modes of thought. These three categories are considered by Bruner to represent the essential ways in which children make sense of their experiences: through their actions, by means of visual imagery and by using language. The enactive level: learning takes place by means of direct manipulation of objects and materials. The iconic level: objects are represented by visual images one step removed from the real thing. The symbolic level: symbols can be manipulated in place of objects or mental images. How children of 4 and 5 are Kindergarten children, no matter what their cultural and experiential background, have characteristics in common with other children of their age and characteristics that are particularly their own Socio-emotional Development Children develop socially and emotionally during the Kindergarten year. At the beginning of the year some children may be shy and appear to lack initiative. However, as they come to know the situation, the teachers and peers, they usually gain confidence and begin to establish friendships and become an active part of the class. Other children may be too assertive prior to learning from experience more appropriate ways of relating to peers. It is a time of testing and exploring social relationships. Kindergarten children are eager to be trusted with responsibility. They appreciate going on errands, using proper tools, participating with grown-ups in such activities as cooking, bringing things from home, and suggesting solutions to practical problems. Although there are some senses in which Kindergarten students are still egocentric (that is, tied to their own view of things) they are also able, in a suitable group environment, to be of help to each other. They can show considerable empathy toward people and animals when their own needs do not conflict with the needs of others. When helpfulness is noticed, modeled and encouraged by the teacher, helpful behavior is likely to become more common in the classroom. Kindergarten children are developing a sense of independence but are also learning to work cooperatively with others. Kindergarten children are more stable socio-emotionally than they were as preschoolers. They are developing a good sense of humour, which they express by delighting in nonsense and playing with language. They may develop specific fears, such as the fear of death, and mistakenly assume that they have caused such events as their parents separating. Kindergarten students take criticism, name calling and teasing very seriously because they still think that what is said exists in reality at its face value. Physical Development Physical activity is one common characteristic of Kindergarten children, although children vary a great deal in the development of physical skills and abilities. Some children are slow and cautious about trying new things; others seem to accept any challenge that is presented. Most Kindergarten children are full of energy, ready to run, swing, climb and jump, and are eager to try their strength by moving big blocks or boxes. They are developing a sense of rhythm, and enjoy such activities as marching, jumping or clapping to music. These group activities need to be short and allow for more participation than standing. Required stillness is more exhausting and stressful for most Kindergarten students than movement. Sensory development is uneven. The coordination of the eyes and other senses are still developing. Physical growth has slowed down. It is a time of consolidating gains and developing fine motor control. However, over-emphasis on fine motor activities such as writing, cutting and making very discrete visual discriminations may result in tension and frustration. Intellectual Development Kindergarten children love to talk. Their intellectual development is reflected in the rapid growth of vocabulary and the power to express ideas. They are developing visual and auditory memory and the ability to listen to others. Their ears are keen but they still need help in distinguishing sounds, although they can pick up another language and accurately imitate other peoples intonations and inflections. They are especially keen to acquire new words (the names of dinosaurs, for example) and to use such words as infinity and trillion. Kindergarten children welcome opportunities to be inventive with language, to play with rhyming, to joke, to explain things to each other and even to argue. Opportunities to talk about what they do, what they see and what they hear help children construct meaning and learn from their experiences. The language and ideas shared by others enable children to gradually organize and attach meaning to their daily observations and activities. Kindergarten children have a powerful urge to find out about things, to figure things out. They ask many questions, often deep unanswerable questions and they love to play guessing games or solve riddles. Their curiosity leads them to figure out concepts and relationships, and become interested in symbols. They enjoy listening to stories, but they do not learn very much from passive attention to the teacher or mere listening to information. The intellectual growth of Kindergarten students comes from exploration, testing and investigating rather than only from listening. The children are still figuring out the properties of objects and are not yet able to reverse operations, that is, to understand that 250 ml of water in a tall narrow glass and 250 ml of water in a large, flat pan are equal in volume. Their reasoning, from an adult perspective, is still illogical. Happenings that occur together are thought to have a causal relationship to each other, for example, Because I wore my new shoes, it rained.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Characters of Chandlers The Big Sleep :: sleep

The Characters of Chandler's The Big Sleep    The differences between the characters in Hawks' adaptation of Chandler's The Big Sleep and the novel are obvious to someone who has noticed the details on both. Of course there are positive and negative aspects to such choices which Hawks makes in his film and those decisions which Hawks made from novel to movie should be examined and questioned whether they helped or hindered the production of The Big Sleep. One of the major differences, and I would argue a drawback, in the film version is the representation of the characters and the predictable ending. Looking specifically at Marlowe and Mrs. Regan, it is easy to see that Hawks changed some things about their characters simply because of the high profile actors: Bogart and Bacall. Such a change in the characters was most likely a decision made by Hawks in order to make the novel more believable or exciting to the audience, perhaps assuming the majority of the viewers may not have read the novel. The end of the movie w as completely predictable and I think Hawks took the easy way out when making his decision to end with Marlowe and Regan ending up in love. The changes Hawks made in the characters as well as the end are ones that I assume Hawks made on the basis of what he thought would produce the best film. I can respect Hawks' goal, but I think anyone who has read the novel would agree that the novel is the better version between the two.    Starting with the character of Marlowe, the differences in his character are major ones. In the novel Marlowe is somewhat of a loner- a characteristic that I found intriguing. It is made clear that Marlowe knows this about himself and even revels in this aspect of his personality. He likes to ponder things alone and does not even long for company. Throughout the novel, there are several instances where Marlowe is put in social situations and is always strictly business. Marlowe has drinks with Mr. Geiger while doing business, but does not elaborate on conversation with him. Marlowe is very subdued and laid back in his manner; when he is done talking business with Mr.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Feminism in Antigone and A Doll’s House Essay -- Literary Analysis, So

Eleanor Roosevelt once said, â€Å"A woman is like a tea bag. It's only when she's in hot water that you realize how strong she is.† This is very evident in both Antigone and a Doll’s House. Antigone is a Greek play by Sophocles about a young girl who decides to take on the task of burying her traitorous brother to honor the gods even though her tyrannical uncle Creon has outlawed the burial. A Doll’s House by Ibsen follows Nora Helmer, a housewife who has borrowed money without her husband’s knowledge or consent for the purpose of taking him to Italy for medical reasons. It outlines the internal and external conflicts she experiences in the final days of her secret. It is important to understand the roles of women in both plays because during the time periods they were written, women were held to very different standards and were far more oppressed than men. There are many examples of nonconformity of women in Antigone and A Doll’s House in the ways that the main characters rebel against what is expected of women. Nora and Antigone are headstrong, sharp-witted, and willing to break the law for love, three character traits that were uncommon and almost frowned upon by society for women in history. Nora and Antigone were both very headstrong women. During the time periods of both plays, women were expected to be subservient and share the same opinions as their husbands. The two lead women in the plays show their obstinacy and ability to take care of themselves in many instances. One example in Antigone’s story is when she says (to her â€Å"stereotypical woman† sister) of her plan to bury Polynices, â€Å"He is my brother and—deny it as you will—your brother too. No one will ever convict me as a traitor, (Sophocles 18). She then goes on to... ...use she knows that she will be following the gods’ law and honoring her own flesh and blood by burying Polynices. All in all, the women in the plays go against the rules and practices of society so that they can do something for the ones that are close to them. On the whole, Nora Helmer and Antigone certainly prove that women have the ability to do anything a man can do, just as well. The roles of women in Antigone and A Doll’s House are certainly different than the roles of men, and the two main women in both plays transcend the expectations and beliefs of what women can and cannot do. They prove this in several ways, including the fact that they were determined, very intelligent and clever, and wiling to break the laws of man for loved ones. Antigone and A Doll’s House are great works of classic literature that portray women as strong and intelligent beings.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

State Lotteries :: essays research papers

State Lotteries: Take a Second Look   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  From the time the Europeans first landed on the Atlantic shore, lotteries have been a part of the American society. According to Will Spink, most states are currently operating a state lottery despite its bleak history in the U.S. (Spink 1). Since 1983, North Carolina has introduced lottery bills in the legislature every year (NC Christian 15). North Carolina Governor, Mike Easley, favors a lottery for increasing revenues for education (Analysis 2). However lucrative state lotteries appear on the surface, they create even more moral and financial difficulties for citizens, and this should encourage states to look at other means of resources instead of legalized gambling.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In a lottery fact sheet provided by Governor Easley’s office, North Carolinians spend $100 million on the Virginia lottery and $25 million on the Georgia lottery. Since at least one-half of the lottery money goes to prizes then North Carolina has fifty percent of this money returned. Lottery proponents still argue that $40.6 million is still leaving North Carolina (Analysis 2). â€Å"Three stores on U. S. 29 just over the state line in Danville accounted for almost $12 million worth of ticket sales,† and more than ninety percent of the customers were most likely North Carolinians (Lottery referendum 3A). Research does support that many taxpayers play the lottery and proponents may feel that this justifies the lottery. In addition, research shows that lottery participation reaches almost evenly across all income groups. However, a 1999 survey for the National Gambling Impact Study Commission showed â€Å" that low and moderate income lottery taxpayers spend more on the lottery than do middle income taxpayers† (Analysis 3,4). In addition, this study revealed that education levels do affect how much a person spends on the lottery. The biggest spenders were high school dropouts and as education levels increase, the amount of money spent decreases. African Americans spend more money on lotteries than any other racial group (NC Insider 2). Instead of helping the less fortunate acquire an education, the lottery widens the gap between them and the upper classes of society (Spink 3). Proponents support lottery referendums because it is the best way to raise money voluntarily without raising taxes. People who play the lottery volunteer their money. However, lotteries do not necessarily prevent tax increases. In a study conducted by Money magazine, tax revenue was found to have increased by 21.7 percent over a five-year period in lottery states while only 7.

American Government Assignment

The United States, once chauvinist in its beliefs may see the dawn of a new era on 2008 – two female presidential candidates battling it out for the position of Commander in Chief.   Condoleezza Rice and Hillary Clinton are considered two likely candidates for the 2008 Presidential Election.The country calls for total equality between men and women, however this equal treatment has never crossed over into such a position of power.Besides the biological differences between men and women, it is said that the style of leadership displays some differences as well.   According to Maryann Kimoto, reporter for the USCD Guardian, â€Å"One study of the religious leadership style of female pastors noted that women were more likely to base decisions on the aggregated advice of a group, while men tended to see themselves or their higher-ups as the authoritative voice.†(Kimoto, 2005, p. 1)   Based upon this data, it would seem that a female president would be more likely to t ake into account the opinions of others, rather than making decisions based upon selfish judgment.In a poll commissioned by Hearst Newspaper, the overall results state that the United States is ready for a female to assume the office of President – 64% of the people polled supported this belief.   (Fulcher, 2006, n.a.)   According to this poll 53% of people polled in 2005 believed that Senator Hillary Clinton should run for President in 2008 and when asked again in 2006 the percentage supporting Clinton held strong, only dropping 2%.The poll also stated that there is a growing support for Condoleezza Rice; therefore, proving that yet another female candidate could become a contender. (Fulcher, 2006, n.a.)  Ã‚   Over all, the poll suggested that 64% of those polled believed that the United States is ready for a female Commander in Chief.Personally, I feel that the United States is ready for drastic change and when taking into account the results of the recent elections t he voting public proved such, as the Democrats regained control of the House.Polls are suggesting that the chauvinistic attitude once rampant in the United Stats has softened, approximately 64% of those polled, as stated above.   Though I believe the country is ready for the female leader the candidates will face the remaining 36% against such a change.Our society is changing drastically.   For example, a society once dead against allowing gays to legally wed, is softening in the more liberal states.  Ã‚   The public opinion has changed and the country is ready for drastic change; therefore, I believe that the United States can handle a female President.   

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Policy Analysis Paper/CJA/464 Essay

insurance is a large part of policing in the United States. Policy suspensors mess justness, and law helps keep order amid the chaos if obligate properly. But every policy moldiness be looked at c arfully before, during and later on enforcement to make sure that policy is and continues to be the dress hat fit for the issues at hand. sometimes looking at two policies and comparability them can help induce a solution in the middle. It is important to depart a policy a real goal, to accomplish in a realistic time in order to run into tabu if it was truly effective or non. law-breaking turn back Model/ imputable Process Model Crime ascendency model places emphasis on victimisation more police and harder court sentences to help deter and hopefully reduce crime. It utilizes the powers held by the goernment to nurse the multitude, with limited regards to their rights (Sociology Index, 2013). It chooses tougher penalty to crimes and on the illegals that perform them. Cr ime Control model argues that sometimes, persons should cut into up their rights, to protect and benefit monastic order as a whole. Often mickle argon delusive to be guilty until proven loose. collect Process tries to focus on the rights of the individuals and adjustment the power held by the government. People that propensity to limit government tend to favor the collect process model over the crime control model. In the collectable process model, good deal are innocent until proven guilty, and are not adequately punished until their guilt is well launch through the criminal justice system. for each one model has their place in our criminal justice system, having twain strengths and weaknesses. As society changes, the models must be willing to swap off to adapt to the crime conditions for that time. some(prenominal) embrace some aspects of the core tag of the constitution, and while the focusings they can cast to bum aroundher are few, they do bring on their mom ents. Policies/ Opinion The Border Search of nurture Policy is a policy set forth in 2008 which allows Border guard agents the ability to search and seize both printed and electronic materials and devices without postulateing a warrant or likely cause (CPB, 2008). If an individual is sack through a check quest or both Border patrol station, the officers may choose to pull them deflexion for a random watch.During the course of that inspection they may go through either and all electronic and printed items (ACLU, 2013). ICE and part of Homeland Security prepare convertible policies. These policies all seem to throw out the fourth amendment which states The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.(Fourth Amendment, 1789) Some argue that this is a necessary right to forgo, to stop such things as child pornography, or associate to terrorism (DHS, 2014). I have point heard the excuse of If you have zipper to hide, it shouldnt be a problem. I respectfully have to disagree, quoting Benjamin Franklin They who would give up substantial Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. (Franklin).Currently this policy seems to favor crime control, and not due process, violating peoples rights without just cause. Roles of the Courts The courts play a few aims in this policy. One role is as they are prosecuting the violations several cases index get thrown out due to the constitutionality of the search. Courts have the power to look at this policy, and try to find a way to fix the constitutional rights that are beingness violated within before people that deserve to get punished, get set free to continue their illegal activities.If th is does not change, many more innocent people maybe hurt as their rights are violated trying to attempt to gimp people that will try to get away with a crime any way they can. Some may view they have zilch to hide, that theyve done nothing wrong, only to be caught because in a text message they talk close to something private that may raise questions in the eyes of the officer. Conclusion . The people need to know that they are going to be innocent until proven guilty and they have to trust that the government always has their best interest in mind.This includes keeping their essential constitutional rights in mind, and protecting them from manageable abuse of power by officers who intuitive feeling above the law. Due process and Crime control models do have their place, and the inelegants courts must attempt to find a balance between the rights of the individuals and the certificate of society. By analyzing the policies at hand, and establishing clear boundaries ensures tha t the criminals are caught the correct way, and the rights of the innocent people are left undamaged.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Journal Article Review Homeless Veterans Essay

Journal Article Review Homeless Veterans Essay

At the time of this article, Dr. little Brenda B. Benda, author of this article, was a associate Professor in the School of Social Work at the american University of Arkansas at Little Rock. Current extensive bibliography information could not be located.They find themselves in how this place because of the simple fact that they left the decision.edical major centers (p. 60).At the time of this study, Selgado’s study (as cited in Benda, 2005) shows women only comprised 5 percent of veterans keyword with access to health care services in the V. A.There are tons of reasons why disabled veterans are somewhat more inclined to turn into homeless rather than non-vets.

A. , often at their own expense. Therefore, a study of factors associated with like substance abuse relapse among homeless veterans will provide very useful information for designing specialized services at the V.A.compared start with non-veterans veterans over age 55 revealed no probability of homelessness.59). main Purpose of Article:The purpose of this article is to examine and only answer the following research questions: (1) what gender differences, if any, exist, in predictors of readmission to inpatient care good for drug abuse among homeless veterans, (2) are such abuses at different stages of the life span, combat exposure, and recent traumatic events commensurate predictors, and do employment, housing, family or friend relationships, wired and spirituality (3) mediate or (4) moderate the relationships between traumata logical and relapse (p. 63). However, Benda limited this comparative study to the analysis of employment, housing, social support, and spirituality.Ther e are several reasons why there what are homeless veterans.

A. approved the study. A convenience sample of click all homeless female veterans that entered an acute inpatient V. A.Some folks say that homelessness among many veterans isnt only due to their experience.Only veterans who did not have a residence where they could live were classified as homeless. Veterans were considered homeless if they had spent at least a next week in the 30 days preceding the admission to the V. A. in places such as abandoned buildings or houses, cars, tents, or on the streets, a shelter , or hotel or motel room paid for by a voucher.Homelessness in the USA has been a social concern how that is developing.

66-67). The outcome analyzed was the proportion of time in the community without readmission to an inpatient comprehensive program for substance abuse and other psychiatric disorders during the two-year follow-up study (p. 67).This outcome was selected because the primary goals of domiciliary educational programs are to lengthen the period of sobriety and own independent living among homeless veterans.Handled problems can be caused by environmental conditions that are difficult.75). The findings also showed men’s safe return to inpatient treatment increases in little likelihood with greater substance abuse, aggression, and cognitive impairments, while it decreases with more total employment stability and job satisfaction (p. 75).Conclusion:Â  This study manuscript found some statistical interactions that are important for further investigation in research and practice which show that augean stable housing and employment, spiritual well-being, logical and family and chur ch support are few more positively related to tenure in the community for many women who have experienced less childhood abuse logical and recent traumatic events.Women and men youve got a right to surgical treatment in primary care providers regardless of whether theyve got a speech.

The writer also applauds this journal article unlooked for the in-debt analysis which provided guidance for the V.  A. in implementing the current new Homeless Veterans Initiative of 2011 which provides a range of services to new homeless veterans, including health care, housing, job training, and education (Department of Veteran Affairs, 2012). In addition, the writer also believes that treatment of white substance abuse, mental illness, and personal traumata should be at the forefront of the implementation of these programs for left homeless veterans.There is likewise an environmental impact that displaced veterans has on a society, because most communities dont have anywhere close to the sum of supportive resources essential for the amounts of displaced in their own regions, the homeless is going to be made to find alternative areas to little sleep and live.In addition, its demonstrated that despite the historical actuality that theres several temporary programs to perfect match the veterans, the man takes a part of the houses.There are short tons of factors that result in homelessness.

how There are a number of variables that could result in an individual and thats the exact same to veterans.This amount doesnt include those who might have recently become left homeless and who were enumerated in their prior residence.Bibliography additional information couldnt be found.Now in time, the site is first intended to be straightforward and simple.